Winchester Repeating Arms e-Store Privacy Policy


Any information you provide to Winchester Repeating Arms is not rented, sold, or divulged to third parties without your permission, except as may be legally required by court order or subpoena. This privacy policy applies whether you provide information via telephone, mail, fax, Internet or other means.

We do not store any personal information as you navigate our website. Only aggregated browsing information is saved to ensure the best website experience for all visitors. There are several services we provide that need specific information from you. Once those services, listed below, are used, your personal data is used strictly for fulfilling that service alone. You can choose to avoid these specific services to retain your anonymity.

We store names, addresses, and, if provided, phone numbers and e-mail addresses collected from these primary sources:

  • e-Blast **
  • e-Store purchases (transacting purchase) **
  • Recalls

e-Blast is e-mailed to you only if you subscribe to the service online. You may unsubscribe to eBlast at any time by following the instructions on any e-mail sent from eBlast.

E-Commerce Checkout Your email, name, and shipping address are provided to our warehouse, online store, customer service, and shipping companies. They are used to ship your order, contact you with shipping updates and as a reference in case of a return or refund. During checkout, you can choose to receive Winchester Repeating Arms e-Blast email marketing as well. Optionally, your phone number and other login information can be provided during checkout to be used to receive SMS text updates or to create a store account should you choose to do so. This information will only be used for these store fulfillment purposes.

  • Winchester Repeating Arms Outdoor Products are available through our store only in the United States.
  • If you have questions feel free to call the Winchester Repeating Arms customer service team here in Morgan, Utah at 801-876-2711 or 800-333-3288.

Only Winchester Repeating Arms Outdoor Products are available for purchase online. Firearms are not sold online by Winchester Repeating Arms and are sold only through federally licensed firearms dealers in accordance with all BATF regulations in the United States and applicable laws for guns sold in Canada. Browning International handles all other firearms sales worldwide.

** Information collected at these locations is purely voluntary and with specific permission (opt-in) from you.  

Your privacy is important to us. At any time, you may modify or delete your personal information from any or all Winchester Repeating Arms databases by contacting our customer service department in Morgan, Utah. 

Customer Service
275 Winchester Avenue
Morgan, UT 84050

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) provides California consumers with new rights regarding their personal information and imposes data protection responsibilities on certain entities that conduct business in California. 

The law affords Californians several key rights, including rights to:

  • Request information (data access)
  • Opt out of the sale of personal information (a very broadly defined right to opt out of sharing of information with third parties)
  • Have personal information deleted
  • Be informed that personal information is being disclosed or sold

Each of these points is addressed by Winchester Repeating Arms in the policy above.

We reserve the right to modify this privacy policy as to information gathered in the future, without notice, based on company policy, requirements of new technology or legislation, or other pertinent information to provide appropriate protection consistent with the intent of this policy.